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The 5 Law Firm Digital Marketing Mistakes You’re Probably Making

The 5 Law Firm Digital Marketing Mistakes You’re Probably Making

You’re running a law firm, and you’re really, really good at what you do. Tortes and contracts? No problem. Courtroom procedures? It’s like second nature. The only place you are falling short is attracting prospective clients with your digital marketing efforts. It’s frustrating! You’re putting all this work into building an online reputation and presence that people […]

50 SEO Terms Explained

50 SEO Terms Explained

A Alt Text Definition: A brief description of an image, which helps search engines understand the content and context of the image. Example: A travel website might have an image of a beach with the alt text: “Tropical beach with clear blue water and white sand.” Analytics Definition: Refers to the collection, analysis, and reporting […]

76 Web Development and Design Terms Explained

76 Web Development and Design Terms Explained

# 404 Error Definition: A standard HTTP error message that indicates a requested webpage could not be found on the server. Example: A user clicks on a broken link and receives a 404 error, indicating that the requested page is missing or has been moved. A Accessibility Definition: The practice of making websites usable by […]

Why Your Business Needs Managed Web Hosting

Why Your Business Needs Managed Web Hosting

Welcome to our guide on managed web hosting, the magical land where servers never crash, websites load at lightning speeds, and unicorns roam free. Okay, maybe not the unicorns part, but we promise it’s pretty close. As a business owner, you know that having a website is essential for reaching new customers and growing your […]

How Website Hosting Works: A Beginner’s Guide

How Website Hosting Works: A Beginner’s Guide

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the idea of website hosting? Maybe you’re a small business owner who wants to create a website showcasing your products, or perhaps you’re just starting out in the world of web development, and you’re not sure where to begin. Don’t worry; you’re not alone! In this beginner’s guide, we’ll break […]

Getting to the Heart of Marketing — The Marketer’s Task

Getting to the Heart of Marketing — The Marketer’s Task

In the demanding and chaotic world of digital marketing, it’s easy to get lost as to just what the job is sometimes. Our clients have demands and expectations that are constantly crashing over the marketing team’s heads like waves of the sea, and they would take us adrift around the world if we didn’t have […]

Content Writing 101: From Beginner to Blogger Part I

Content Writing 101: From Beginner to Blogger Part I

You sit, drenched in a cold sweat, desperately reaching for the words your weary brain has long been searching for. “Call now,” you type before hastily backspacing in disgust. Like a disinterested Lovecraftian eldritch god, the cursor blinks on and on. Writing isn’t easy. Ask anyone who isn’t a freelance writer or an English major, […]

What is Evergreen Content in Marketing? Ideas + Tips to Help You Get Started

What is Evergreen Content in Marketing? Ideas + Tips to Help You Get Started

Evergreen content is content that has staying power. Regardless of the time period, season, or year, it remains relevant long past its publication date, similar to how an evergreen tree retains its leaves long after its deciduous brethren. They have perpetual life, even as more timebound pieces cease to drive traffic to your site. Writing […]

3 Ways Native CDFIs Support Prosperity and Community

3 Ways Native CDFIs Support Prosperity and Community

As a Native-owned business, one of the causes closest to our hearts is supporting often underrepresented minority groups in pursuing their entrepreneurial goals. From herb shops sharing their knowledge of natural medicine to helping those with PTSD heal by connecting with horses, we’ve had the honor and privilege of cultivating an online presence for many […]

45+ Different Content Types to Boost Your Search Results and Increase Engagement

45+ Different Content Types to Boost Your Search Results and Increase Engagement

One of the biggest hurdles to starting an ongoing website content marketing strategy is finding compelling ways to present information. To help you get inspired, here’s our list of more than 50 different web content formats to try out. Audio Content Marketing Audio recordings continue to grow in popularity across a wide range of ages. […]

NATIV3 is a Human Agency

NATIV3 is a Human Agency

“AI can only replace humans where the work is not suited to us. There are many things that only humans can do: feeling the mood and atmosphere of a place, or using the five senses. And humans can create new kinds of work, too. What human beings can do is surprisingly complex.” Kazuto Ataka, CSO, […]


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