Minnesota Credit Union Network
The Minnesota Credit Union Network looked to NATIV3 for their new “Eyes on Credit Unions” campaign to increase awareness through social.
The Client Goal
The Minnesota Credit Union Network is the state trade association for Minnesota’s credit unions. The Network, working in conjunction with the Credit Union National Association (CUNA), ensures their member credit unions’ success, growth, and vitality by creating a positive public environment through leadership, political advocacy, education, awareness, and regulatory assistance.
They came to NATIV3 through a Public Relations Partner with the express goal of getting their “Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union” campaign in front of as many cost-effective prospects as possible with ads to coincide with their Minnesota Statewide events.
NATIV3 needed to develop dozens of geotargeted campaigns so that as people interacted with the Credit Union brands in real life, they also interacted with them digitally. NATIV3 developed a mix of services to get the job done.
How NATIV3 Blazed the Trail
NATIV3 developed a series of Google display, Facebook, and Instagram ads to target each specific event within a half-mile specification.
From the Bayfront Music Festival to Twin Cities Concerts and numerous local events, The Minnesota Credit Union Network was front and center on people’s Instagram feed and favorite websites.
NATIV3 created a digital experience in real-time, utilizing branded assets to create motion graphics and other static imagery. Our team optimized each ad for click-through rates and a better cost per impression. The results were staggering.
The Results
NATIV3’s ads garnered millions of new impressions.
On Facebook and Instagram, they maintained a 3% click-through rate; on Google Display ads, they held a .15% click-through rate.
The dynamic creative NATIV3 arranged succeeded in meeting The Minnesota Credit Union Network’s goals! From these efforts, The Minnesota Credit Union Network gained a digital footprint it couldn’t have dreamed of prior.