What to Expect When You Pitch Your Tent with NATIV3

To partner with NATIV3 as one of our so-called “Human Resources” is to join an affiliation of like-minded individuals who provide mutual respect and support to one another as they work together towards achieving a common goal.
This business exists for a real, practical reason, and I don’t mean the “vision statement” or anything of the sort.
I started this business to provide for myself and those around me. Quite literally, I started this business to make money. I fully anticipate that those who join me in this endeavor have the same intentions. Let’s get paid together.
It’s not something we’re ashamed of here. Making money isn’t everything to us, and since integrity is something we highly value here, it is not the primary motivator of our decision-making.
Nevertheless, we are not shy about the fact that we are taming and carving out our little space in the wild west of the marketplace as a means of breaking bread with our families, and we hope that those who join us are motivated to do this as well.
For those who have something to work for, you will find a team of hustlers who are talented, intelligent, thoughtful, curious, and always willing to swallow a spoonful of humility in our pursuit of taming the digital landscape.
It’s what we do here. It’s what we expect of those who join us.
A few commitments top the list as I consider this partnership from the perspective of the hired.
Commitment for a Season
As I mentioned in my post last week, we are not looking to create an exaggerated sense of loyalty in our people. We do not need to cross improper boundaries to cultivate a mutual understanding of the proper loyalty we should have for each other in our business.
The first thing I would acknowledge about this reciprocal commitment is that it’s necessarily temporary.
NATIV3 won’t be around forever, and neither will any of the people who ever work here. We want long-term people who will provide a stable foundation to grow on, to be sure. But we also recognize that not everyone who comes to us will be those people, and we’re cool with that too.
Whether your stay is a short-term gig or long-term career, if your digital grind is impeccable, we want you to come spend a winter or 10 with us.
With that out of the way, we do expect a measure of loyalty to the organization while you’re here.
When I say organization, I want you to think of the people that make up the organization. We are an organization of people, which is always at the forefront of my mind. It’s why I scare-quoted “human resources” above.
Thinking of people as resources is such a cold way to view the individuals who help you feed your family.
We have a couple of simple expectations for how your loyalty to this organization should work itself out:
- Be about your hustle – I said last time, “We’re timely but not bound by the clock.” We’ll never hold a timesheet over your head or use it as leverage to manipulate you, but we also expect that you will have integrity in how you use the time that we pay you for. We strive to make sure everyone here earns better than a fair wage, so if you use your work time to the maximum benefit of the company, we will all be rewarded for it, and you should have plenty of time left over for the things that really matter in life.
- Treat us the way you want to be treated – If I had to summarize the approach I take as an employer, this is it. I’ve taken many lumps as an employee and have been at fault. I’ve also been treated unfairly by taking them. I like to think that I have a good grasp on what it’s like to be employed and that I remember it well enough to avoid some of the mishaps that have been made at my expense as an employee. I use that knowledge to do better as an employer. When you come and work here, it’s what we also expect of you. This is the true standard we hold you to. It’s what we hire and fire on. Treat the people of the organization as you want to be treated.
If you do these two things well at NATIV3 and let everything else follow from these, your success and prosperity here and beyond will be all but guaranteed.
Job Descriptions and Expectations
We like to set you up for success here at NATIV3, and one of the ways we’ve done that is to give our people a hand in crafting their own job descriptions.
We start out with a document that we write based on our needs for a specific role, but that document is only complete once we find just the right person to help us finish writing it. When you come to lodge with us, however long the season, we believe that you will prosper most if you can exercise yourself primarily in your own strengths.
The job description we write reaches out with our needs to appeal to you with something that grabs your attention if you’re the type of person that is strong in those responsibilities and skills laid out. Still, after you make your way through the team during the interview process, we want you to help us finalize the document so that you will make it your own as you agree to it during hiring.
We want your full participation here to put your own unique twist on it. We’re interested in you as an individual, not merely as a resource to use.
At NATIV3, the world is your oyster, and we’re just fellow fishermen trying to help you get better at finding pearls. We aren’t looking to give jobs to order takers but to hand over business functions to responsible stewards.
Commit to Getting Better and Helping Others Get Better
We hire people at all stages of their careers – from green to gold. We have one goal for all of them — to continuously elevate in every way while they’re here as they help others do the same.
These two things are inseparable for us. We want you to grow professionally, and we want you to help us all grow as well. We are constantly learning from each other anyway, but we want to take it a step further and be clever in devising ways to help each other be the best at what we do so that we’d all maximize the return on our time invested at NATIV3.
We aren’t afraid to take a risk on some green energy. We’ve hired bright young minds with no marketing or digital experience apart from their own use of the technology we all know and use.
Fresh out of college with a degree in — checks notes: Political Science — but can write a good email and fill in the blanks in a pinch when your back’s against the wall? We’ll give it a shot if you don’t mind using that big brain of yours to understand the ins and outs of a marketing funnel and what makes people tick as they pass through it.
Seasoned sales executive with solid traditional marketing experience who is lost when it comes to tech? We’d love to learn from you even as we help you become a digital native in your golden years.
High school dropout with a Youtube University degree in memecraft and anime references who likes to work when the owls hoot? We have a place for you if you are willing to pick up a few more related and valuable skills and make a noonday appearance from time to time. You will also be obligated to bless the group chats with near-instant, shrewd, and relevant memes based on the conversation happening there. If you are summoned in this regard, you must rise to the occasion.
In each of these cases, beyond the basic scope of required talent, we are looking for people who want to be better at what they do and who want to help others grow and learn in their things. This kind of mutual aid of building each other up will allow all of us to thrive together as we work together.
NATIV3 Isn’t a Family & We’re Okay With That
Here at NATIV3, we have structure to our leadership and a foundational agreement that we put in place with everyone who comes to work here.
We use these things as tools to help keep us from falling into chaos, but we try to be flexible when it comes to how we apply them, realizing that this company is made up of humans.
The folks who thrive at NATIV3 will be willing to put their whole hustle to use when they are on company time, desire to take ownership of their work, and value mutual respect and courtesy as we all help each other grow.
We may not be a family, but we’re a tight-knit unit of people who delight in seeing each other succeed.