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Going Viral: Video Marketing in 2019

Going Viral: Video Marketing in 2019

Is there anything as relaxing as kicking back with a few of Buzzfeed’s Tasty videos after a long day at the office? Taking in the slow pour of some heavy cream or watching the methodical chopping of onions is soothing, and it makes you feel like you could be the next Iron (or Master… Or Top) Chef, if only you had a set of those amazing non-stick pans that come in fun, hip colors…

If you’ve ever been drawn into a sale from watching a video that seemingly had very little to do with selling a product, then you know the power of an incredible video marketing campaign. Video marketing is nothing new, but it has recently experienced a massive boom brought on by the popularity of YouTube.

In fact, YouTube reports that video consumption on their platform increases 100% every year.

Alas, video marketing is no longer confined to those with a YouTube channel. The medium is everywhere.

Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, SnapChat… the list goes on and on.

Consumers love video so much that entire niche brands have sprung from the idea of YouTube with apps like Vine and TikTok. We are a video-consuming people, and to balk at the idea of marketing using this rich medium is to the detriment of your marketing strategy.

A few statistics about video marketing

Forbes recently pulled together a list of video marketing statistics that touts the massive marketing power of video. You can find the full list here, but here are a couple that stood out:

Are you convinced yet? Would you be more convinced if we showed you a video about it?

Wasn’t that convincing?

So, how can you get started in the fast and dangerous (just kidding!) world of video marketing? Start with a couple of our favorite quick tips:

Share the story, not the sale

Video marketing is really about sharing a story with the viewers. Ads are annoying things that interrupt a good story, so making your video too ad-like isn’t going to work. If you wouldn’t put it in a blog post, you shouldn’t put it in a video. Instead, appeal to the emotions, needs, and desires of your customers. There are things you can say and do in video that just can’t be communicated in written form.

The perfect example? This absolutely heart-wrenching ad from Extra Gum. The story is beautiful, relatable, told in less than two minutes, and definitely didn’t make me cry while I was writing this article. Plus, now I’m craving some spearmint gum. Effective!

Don’t rely heavily on audio

According to Digiday, a whopping 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound. Why?

Because of the ease of viewing videos on smartphones and portable devices, chances are that your customers are viewing on their morning commute, waiting in line at the bank, or sitting in a doctor’s lobby. Because they are being consumed in public, there’s a higher possibility that they’re not able to listen to the audio. Take the time to write transcription captions.

Better yet, take a page out of 5 Minute Crafts or Glam’s book and opt for content that doesn’t require sound at all.

Consider going 1:1

More and more businesses are choosing to respond to customer inquiries, service calls, and on-boarding clients with video messages created just for them. Taking video is fast and easy, plus it shows the recipient that you took the time to thoughtfully respond to them.

It’s also practical. Responding to a question asking how to access a particular file, find a certain analytics parameter, or complete an order form is easier for you and the customer when it’s a video tutorial. Typing out the steps to solve a problem can be tedious for you and hard to follow for the person looking for help. Video tutorials are easier for both parties.

It’s a great way to nurture your customer relationships and show your company’s personality!

Track your results and adapt to that data

One of the greatest assets to video marketing is how easy it is to track data. Videos hosted on YouTube, Facebook, and Vimeo automatically tabulate unique views, meaning that you have real data that tells you what your customers are looking for.

Clients are far more likely to share videos, too! We mentioned earlier that videos generate 1200% more shares on social media than text and video combined. These social shares mean that your message is reaching a far larger audience than you would if you’re only posting snapshots from around the office.

Watch your view and share counts, then ride the wave! Figure out what your customers want to see– whether it’s testimonials or instructional videos– then create more of that.

Mix it up!

The only way to figure out what your customers want is to try a lot of different things. If your views and shares start to drop, try something different. A few video topics that businesses gravitate towards include:

  • Animated or “white board” videos that quickly explain a concept without overloading viewers with information. It’s like the infographic of the video world.
  • Customer testimonials, wherein real people talk about their real experiences with your product or service. People rely heavily on other’s experiences when choosing to make a purchase, so take advantage!
  • Instructions and how-tos, where you explain how to do something relevant to your field. This topic isn’t confined to your products. It could be anything that applies to your field. For example, if you’re a florist, you obviously aren’t going to make how-tos on buying flowers. Instead, you can film a how-to on choosing the freshest flowers at a farmer’s market or unique ways to use flower petals in crafts.

Video marketing is fun, easy, and effective!

Video is rich with possibilities when it comes to marketing your business. There’s a lot of room for humor, creativity, and interesting approaches to advertising your product.

When approaching your video marketing strategy, don’t be afraid to try new things. Of course some of your videos are going to flop, but chalk it up to a learning experience, then try again.

With the ease of access to video hardware and software, it’s a small investment that could bring huge returns.

Get out there and go viral!

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